
Latest news about the world of Bludit, new releases, new plugins and themes.

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Bludit v3.2.0 "Yeast"

We are pleased to announce the release of Bludit 3.2.0 . This version of Bludit brings improvement stability and new features. Changelog New plugin Hit Counter show the visits in the sidebar. New UI when you create content. Bug fixes....

Bludit v3.1.0 "Malt"

We are pleased to announce the release of Bludit 3.1.0 . This version of Bludit brings improvement stability and new features. Changelog New plugin Search, allow to the user to search in your site content. Images per pages, this function is...

Bludit v3.0.0 "Hops"

We are pleased to announce the release of Bludit 3.0.0 . This version of Bludit brings a massive improvement in performance, stability, and flexibility and there are of course many new features. New features Mobiles responsive, enjoy Bludit...

Bludit v3.0.0 RC-3

We are pleased to announce the thrid release candidate of Bludit 3.0.0 . This version of Bludit improvement in stability, and bug fixes. Also, we release the version of Bludit PRO v3.0.0 RC-3 for all collaborators on Patreon . The link to...