What's New - Jun 2019

This month we released Bludit v3.9.1 and 3.9.2 with many bug fixes and improvements on the core; Bludit v3.9.2 is really stable and ready for production environments, we recommend update to this latest version.

Also, we provide Bludit PRO v3.9.2 for Patreon collaborators, the idea of Bludit PRO is to get some support from the users who really enjoy Bludit. Bludit PRO come with the plugins TimeMachineX and Domain Migrator and some minor improves in the plugin simple stats.

Raspberry PI project

This month we have a new project by Jereme Hancock running Bludit in a Raspberry PI cluster, with a ton of plugins and different examples.

Take a look at his blog.

Docker image

We provide the official Bludit Docker image with the latest version of Bludit.

$ docker run --name bludit -p 8000:80 -d bludit/docker:3.9.2

More information at Docker Hub